Thursday, 1 April 2010

First of April

First of April and all that. Didn't get caught out by any April fools this year. Not that I’ve noticed much. Spotted a couple online but that’s it. Since Climategate I'm a lot more suspicious of anything I read and take less and less on trust - having said that someone emailed me and said they had millions of pounds waiting to be transferred to my account ...

Bought my name again; the dot com, the dot co dot uk seems to be still suspended, even though it ran out at the beginning of the year.

So, another blog. I've put WordPress in a folder on my main site and when the dot com is up and running I'll just get it redirected to the new folder. (Hopefully.)

Wordpress is great. I had the blog up and running after about ten minutes. The only problem with it is that you can't change the user name, and the default user for everyone is called admin. Ergo I have to make sure I'm typing the correct password into the correct admin for the blog. There are now three at the same dot com. I'm trying a new theme there and have made a few test posts with pictures. A couple of glitches but things are alright now. Just have to get pictures to fit into the picture frame in the theme; right now they are being stretched a little.

I'll have to tinker with the blog a little before it'll be perfect but it's looking good. Widgets and plugins have been installed and it's on the latest version of WordPress from the get go.


  1. No April fools here either, in fact I totally forgot it was a new month! Mind you this weather doesn't help,ruddy freezing today!
    Oh I'm hoping to recieve Bosh's Wreath of Stars soon,waiting for a response from a Bookmooch member!

  2. I signed up for book mooch but only had time (and inclination) to put in details of one book; Shaw's Two Timers. I hope (fingers crossed knock on wood sacrifice a virgin) to add more books this weekend as the paperbacks are starting to pile up. Damn those three for twos at Waterstones.

  3. OH you signed up, I'll look for you and add you as a friend.

  4. Odd, added eight books including three Shaws and the Two Timers that I added when I first signed up isn't showing anywhere. Must have done it wrong.

  5. I wondered why I couldn't find you there,i looked for Two Timers but none were showing. Are you J Purdie on there?

  6. Found you and added you! Oh I also mooched a Shaw book from you ;)

  7. Yup that's me, added info to the user page and uploaded my facebook picture to it and should get the book posted off on Tuesday.

  8. Thanks for the book and welcome to bookmoooch! Now spread the word-we reallly need more UK moochers on there!


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