Monday, 29 March 2010


More snow! Go out to the car today to go to work and there is snow lying on the top of the hills. Everything else had turned to rain and it's probably too warm for that snow to lie too long but the clocks have just went forward; we are now in summer time. There should be no snow.

Google Analytics seems to be working now on two of my sites. I pasted the code given to me by Google into all the sites but a couple don't recognise it. Now I can see pretty graphs showing me who is visiting and from where. Mostly UK, some form North America and some the far east - that'll be the spammers. Germany is coming up as a country with a lot of visits too. Don't know why that would be.

I need to get a few more Bob Shaw blogs up and posted on the Bosh blog; I've only made two posts there this month. Speaking of Bob I missed out on a cheap copy of his Interzone special on eBay. Never mind, perhaps next time.


  1. Do you mind not swearing?? S##w indeed! ;)

  2. App-a-loggies for the swear words. The s**w was even worse at night. I got caught in it (though luckily not stuck in it) driving on the motorway. Everyone was driving at most 40 mph because of low visibility; what normally takes fifteen minutes took half an hour. Luckily most of it has turned to rain today. And rain isn't a swear word; it's compulsory in Britain. :)

  3. lol, yea Rain is a synomym of Britain!

  4. Brrr, was cold enough for snow here today!

  5. Maybe too cold for snow! It's not that cold here and we had lots of it. Thankfully it's almost gone here in Fife now, still lying on the hills here and there and it actually looks nice. However it did hit some parts hard; coastal towns in Fife suffered damage. I heard that in a caravan park in Kinghorn in Fife lost caravans due to landslides. I'm glad I don't live near the coast in Fife. Northern Ireland got it bad too.

  6. Bloody freezing here today! Biting winds! At least its sunny!


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