Friday, 15 January 2010

Bob Shaw on t’Internet

Did a Google search for Bob Shaw today, as I do now and then to see if anything new about him is on the Internet, and came across this nice little piece from his native Northern Ireland. It’s relatively new, December 2009.

Odd that the names that come up when I start typing in Bob Shaw include the Pipe maker Bob Sheppard. He was my maths teacher at high school – the other one was his brother George. They were both involved in the school pipe band – who were world champions I think – and the little less local Dysart and Dundonald Pipe Band, who I’m sure were world champions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey I enjoyed reading that, good stuff, thanks for posting! I want to read his books now!!
    Interestingly I did a search on facebook for Bob Shaw(theres a Arthur C Clarke group on there) but it seems there isnt one. I did find these though....
    Bob Shaw on Facebook

  3. **Warning to John et al**, that above user tina posted spam! The line of dots after her name is a link to an oriental porn site!

  4. Cheers Larry, followed the links and does go to naughty sites.

    Never thought of doing a search on the social networks. I'm on Facebook, Bebo and MySpace but hardly ever sign in nowadays. Next time I'm on any of them I'll do searches too. A lot of authors are on them, why not Bosh?

  5. Also check out a site called, where you can discuss books and authors and see what books your friends are currently reading.

  6. Have you tried Its a site where you can view and review books, talk about them and the authors-its kind of like a facebook for readers!
    Heres a page on him there-with his smiley cherubic face!

  7. Will give a look when I get some time. It does ring a bell though, so either it's been mentioned to me before or I've been there.


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