Saturday, 21 April 2012

Top Ten

Almost there with inputting my book collection into the program Book Collector Pro. There are 709 books in the program now. There’s a pile of hardbacks to be entered and around about 50 books that will have to be entered by hand as they have no ISBN numbers – including to my surprise a double by Robert Silverberg; Those Who Watch/Thorns. It turns out I don’t have many Robert Silverberg books, which is really weird as I love Robert Silverberg and bought lots of his books during the eighties, but there are only 12 (plus the one to be entered, making a grand total of 13).

2012-04-21 13.46.28

I took a picture of a couple of books. Silverberg’s Stochastic Man, one of his very best in my opinion. The Mote in God’s Eye by Niven and Pournelle, my introduction to them which made sure I bought their other books. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury an edition from the early eighties and Taller Than Trees by John Gordon Davies, a mainstream novel which I thought was brilliant. I can still remember quite a bit of the book today.

Coincidentally only ten writers managed to reach double figures. I don’t think this will change much with about 100 or so books to be put into the database.

Bob Shaw still tops the chart but only just.

Bob Shaw; 52

Robert E Howard; 50

Philip K Dick; 35 (Less than I thought I had)

Philip Jose Farmer;  28

Kenneth Robeson; 24 (Would have been a lot more if I didn’t get rid of a lot of Doc Savages years ago)

Theodore Sturgeon; 22

Neal Asher; 14 (Pretty impressive considering I only discovered him about a year and a half ago.)

A.E. Van Vogt; 13

Robert Silverberg; 12 (I have no idea what happened to most of his books I had.)

Robert A Heinlein; 10

I also brought out a few books to stick atop my to be read pile, and hope to get around to re reading them in the near future.

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