The USB drive seems a little dodgy; I may have to look into getting a replacement. The one I use is over a year old but I couldn't tell you how old. The drive is working fine; it's just that the casing is getting looser and looser.
Browsing on eBay I was doing a search for Robert E Howard books. Going through them I came across Wolfshead, with a picture of it - an American paperback. I realised I'd bought a copy from a dealer years ago and it too appears not to be on my bookshelves. Damn, what is happening to these books? Are the elves kidnapping them? Cos I ain't paying no ransom.
A right bucket load of Bob Shaw books appeared on an eBay search this week, foreign editions, original Gollancz editions, a lot of them hard back and a lot of them signed. Unfortunately a lot of them I already have. If I win the lottery (assuming I play it) I'll start collecting signed editions of Shaw's work. Until then I'll aim toward a complete collection.
All blogs are individual for this post. I use Windows Live Writer to post to up to four blogs at once, but I do have to log into WordPress now and again to sort the spam out and check on hits, if updates are available, etc. So this one is a copy and paste job into the various blogs.
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